Pierre-Olivier Malaterre

X 84 - GREF 87-89 - DEA National d'Hydrologie 88-89 (Major)
PhD 27/01/1994 (THFJ) - HDR 17/11/2008 (EDSYS-LAAS-CNU 61) - ICPEF

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne (2010-2013).

Expert at the Labelling Committee of the French Competitiveness Cluster on Water (http://www.pole-eau.com).

Member of the Task Committee for the Strategic Axis of the French Competitiveness Cluster on Water (Axis 2 – Water Management).

Member of the IFAC Technical Committee in "Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems" (http://tc.ifac-control.org/8/3/members).

Reviewer for about 20 International Journals on Hydraulics, Control and Water Management


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